A new grass seed mix that has been scientifically proven to resist damage caused by dog urine is being exclusively introduced by Johnsons Lawn Seed.
Tuffgrass with Dog Patch Resistance is a unique new product that has been formulated to banish the problem of yellow patches and dead areas of grass caused by dogs urinating on lawns. By incorporating naturally tolerant grass species, scorched patches in lawns will be consigned to history, without consumers having to change their dog’s diet or behaviour.Even if slight discolouration occasionally occurs, grass will recover.
World-leading grass seed specialist DLF Seeds, the parent company of Johnsons Lawn Seed, carried out 672 tests to simulate the effect of dog urine on individual types of grass. It tested 168 varieties of grass across seven species – trialing each variety with dog urine mixtures in four concentrations. Results showed that certain grasses offer better resistance to dog urine than others, while some did not suffer any detrimental effects.
Johnsons Lawn Seed’s Guy Jenkins said: “When dogs use a lawn as their toilet, acid in canine urine causes burns on the grass, a problem that in the past has forced consumers to undertake time-consuming lawn repairs. By introducing dog patch resistant grass seed, gardeners will benefit from lawns that are robust enough to cope with the stress caused by even concentrated dog urine, without discolouration or patches.
“The development of dog patch resistant grass seed was based on rock solid data from trials, with the product rigorously tested by scientists at DLF Seeds in Denmark. Following extensive research and development, we are bringing to market a unique product that has proven its ability to create
dog-resistant lawns that are tough enough to stand up to the wear and tear of family use. As an added bonus, it has an excellent resistance to low temperatures and snow, with improved drought-resistance,” Guy added.
Establishing a new lawn using Tuffgrass with Dog Patch Resistance is a one-off job and requires no more effort than sowing any other type of lawn from seed. For consumers who are unable to renew their entire lawn, existing turf can be overseeded with dog patch resistant grass seed in autumn or spring.
Overseeding will gradually introduce patch resistant grass into established lawns, which will steadily gain the benefits of dog urine resistance over time. For consumers who have only a small amount of dog urine damage in their lawn, dog patch resistant grass seed can be used to repair affected areas.
In line with consumer trends for products that are kind to the environment, Johnsons’ dog patch resistant mixtures are natural and safe for family use. The product contains 100% grass seed and nothing else.
Visit Johnsons Lawn Seed at Glee (stand 8B50-C51) to be first to see Tuffgrass with Dog Patch Resistance, which has an SRP of £4.15 for a 250gm pack and £7.25 for 500gm. A 1.5kg pack has an SRP of £16.99 while a large 5kg pack has an SRP of £44.00.
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To find out more about Johnsons Lawn Seed products please visit http://www.johnsonslawnseed.com/product-range.aspx