Confi®Berries – the new generation of Jostaberries

With the new Confi®Berries from Lubera, the essential characteristics of jostaberries have been decisively improved, growth has been significantly reduced in two varieties, and the fertility has been considerably enhanced in all three varieties so that the new Confi®Berries now come much closer to the original vision:

• The Confi®Berries are thornless
• Two new varieties, Jodeli and Jofruity, have reduced growth and much better fertility. Although Jogusto still grows slightly stronger; the fertility is also significantly increased
• Jodeli and Jogusto have huge berries measuring up to 1.8 cm
• The new varieties are largely tolerant to leaf diseases, there is no premature leaf fall, even with zero plant protection practised over many years; mildew only appears here and there, but this is handled well by the compact growing plants and has no influence on the fertility and yield.
 Confi®Berry 'Jodeli'
• The sweetest of all jostaberries
• Compact, well-branched growthJostaberries
• For eating fresh and processing
• £8.40 for a strong plant in a 1.3 L pot

Confi®Berry 'Jofruity'
• Fruity berry flavour, closer to gooseberries than to blackcurrants
• The most compact growth of all Confi®Berries
• Extremely fertile
• £8.40 for a strong plant in a 1.3 L pot

Confi®Berry 'Jogusto'
• Late maturity, not until the beginning of August
• Large to very large berries on beautiful, compact clusters
• Ideal for processing, for jams, jellies, smoothies
• £8.40 for a strong plant in a 1.3 L pot
